Rev up your city

It is time to go for "City 2.0"

  • an environmentally friendly city with a 30% reduction in air pollution thanks to efficient traffic control
  • with ubiquitous coverage of low latency high capacity 5G network comprised of mmWave, standalone, network slicing and exposure

Download our latest report in English or Swedish below

Dressed for success 

By far our most advanced service. Both when it comes to complexity as well as coordination. Having said just that we can also conclude that this will be, by far, the most rewarding service when implemented. It will also require substantial resources from your side, from politicians, and affect processes and organization.


In the design phase we scope the project, identify all involved stakeholders and their requirements, set the time plan for all major activities, and most importantly agree on the business model used.

We also define how we will measure the outcome of the project as well as agree on targets.

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The infrastructure phase starts immediately after the Design phase. This involves RFP processes for infrastructure (planning, defining technical and commercial requirements, selection of companies) and Operations.

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AI modelling

The AI modelling will be incremental based on the information available. The AI modelling will be based on things like traffic, weather, construction work, accidents and events. Defining and agreeing on how to measure throughput in the city (that the model is turned for) is critical

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All parts in this project will be outsourced after taken in-service. The procurements of this part will be part of the Design phase. We define operational targets and support agreements. 

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Design phase

The design phase starts by setting the main objectives per stakeholder. These objectives are then processed by all parties and we agree on 1-3 main objectives that we will measure the project outcome on. Based on the objectives a major project plan is created with decision milestones per stakeholder. 


We have ready-to-use RFPs that we will adapt to the requirements that came forward in the design process.

Partners for the different phases are identified, RFP's sent out and invitation meetings are set up.

The process, per company, to answer the RFP is 3 weeks + 10 days of Q&A and 3 days of negotiations in general. All RFPs are not scheduled simultaneously. 

AI Modelling

The AI modeling part relates to adaptations of the standard model. Adaptations such as interfaces to different organizations that need access to the systems (read and/or write), specific restrictions that exist, and priorities apart from pollution levels.


The managed operations part includes operations, SW upgrades, and HW repair and replacement. This is a 5-year agreement and will thus be re-negotiated every 5 years.

The operations part also includes SW updates to new SW releases with new functionality however limited to the underlying HW.

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